FAQ: Using HCIN Learn
Frequently asked questions about accounts, courses, CE credit, technical requirements, fees, and more.
5.5. How do I navigate through the course?
Each course has a Start Page, with the name of the course in a headline at the top. This is the page where you land when you complete your enrollment or click on the “My courses” link from the Home page.
On this Start Page there is a series of activities listed: One or more lessons/activities, then usually a Post-Test, then a certificate. You must start with the first activity, and do each in order. Completion of one activity will unlock the next. When activities are listed in the main window of the Start Page (all courses except Palliative Care), you can usually see which ones are completed, by looking for the checkmark in the checkbox to the right. The next activity will generally be dimmed (gray) until the current one is completed.
At the end of a lesson, you typically see a choice to “Continue to (next lesson)” OR “Return to (name of course/goes back to Start Page). Either choice will let you navigate through the activities.
If you are not sure if you have finished or not, look on the Start Page and see if you have completed every listed lesson, activity, and quiz. Please do this before you write to us to ask “Where is my certificate?”